Recent Articles

Learning: Riding Mower Repair

After searching for a cheap riding mower, we found a bargain: Free. Of course that brings with it its own adventure. Time to add another trade to my belt of things I needed to know.

ASP.Net: Finding a Control within a UserControl

.Net Controls can be a hierarchical mess sometimes, especially when you have MasterPages involved.

Build Right Workshop with Wes Bos

After attending another Build Right workshop, I learned more about JavaScript/ES6 including Promises, Async + Await, Modules, and Service Workers

Remodel: Our Office of Geekery

Repainted and reorganized our office at home. Yellow walls she said. Even though I give the raised Spock eyebrow, I should know by now to never doubt my wife's vision. When it was all done, it looked great. A 3-day weekend well spent.

What I learned from Advent of Code 2017

Joining in a month-long coding challenge grew me as a programmer and gave me more renewed passion for my craft.

Cold Callers Guild site launched

A much needed overhaul of a fan site was a fun excercise in planning, database architecture, API research, and user experience.